1/26/2025 A new year and a new page (eventually). Enjoy!

11/23 Zoinks! It's been a long time, but here's the new page. Enjoy!

9/1 It's been a busy summer! Volume 14 is officially out online HERE and the first page of the newest chapter, Chapter 32: Secrets is online! We've been update-skimpy while I wrote the new chapter, but expect to see (fairly) frequent updates as we go. Enjoy!

7/10 Ok, so it's not a REAL update, but I've been busy putting Sacred Pie: Volume 14 together in print (look for it in bookstores soon!). In the meantime, while I get the newest chapter rolling, enjoy the FRONT and BACK covers to the book!

6/23 Another update- this week's page being the last of the current chapter! Look for the print-version coming soon!

6/16 Another new page! Enjoy!

6/8 Wow! Two months flew right by, but here's a new page update!

Don't worry, I haven't been goofing off, just running an afterschool drama club production of Moana (see the finished production HERE. A lot of green screen magic went into the final product, which culminated with a red carpet premiere at a local movie theater.

Now that that's done, though, expect Sacred Pie to get back onto its regular/not-so-regular schedule. Enjoy!

4/8 As promised, another new page (exactly seven days later!)

4/1 This is NOT a prank: TWO new pages today! (and look for another one this week!)

3/11/2024 On this day, twenty-four years ago, www.SacredPie.com went live for the first time!

2/4 Another new page! Blame Baldur's Gate 3 for the gap, LoL.

12/31 Wrapping up 2023 with a bang! Here's the third page this week! Look for this chapter to wrap up (and be released in print form) in early 2024!!

12/27 As promised, here's the second of three new pages! Enjoy!

12/24 Ho Ho Ho! A brand-new update! Look for *gasp* TWO more before the New Year!

11/24 The best Black Friday deal this year: One new page!

10/22 Here's another new page!

9/16 One more new page, despite an early start to my teaching school year. Enjoy!

8/26 One more new page!

8/17 Whoo-hoo! Another new page!

8/8 Holy Moley- two pages in the same week! Enjoy!

8/2 One more new page!

7/25 Another new page!

7/9 Hot dog! Another new page!

7/2 *Phew* Another long stretch there, but finally a new page!

In the meantime, for those who are curous, I've been busy publishing books with my Second, Third, and Fourth graders and creating two card games: Freaky Fighting Frogs and Crazy Combat Creatures.

We were even on the NEWS!

Lastly, thanks to long-time collaborator Charles Jonsson, a piece of Sacred Pie art hung in the Hawaii State Capital Building as part of their Art at the Capital event!

3/26 Whoa- a bit of a gap there, but that's because I had the opportunity to illustrate a children's book called Lina The Lion Learns to Laugh. I'll post some of the hand-painted watercolors from this book on Instagram!

Otherwise, be on the lookout for more reguklar updates again!

1/22/23 Bam! The first new update of the year! Enjoy!

12/21 After seemingly AGES, here's one more new page! I've recently picked up a commission to illustrate a children's bbok, so expect the updates to be a bit thinner over the next two or three months.

11/11 Zowie! October is a busy month! One new page, and more to follow soon!

10/17 One more new page! Want to know why they take so long in October? Check out my annual participation in "Inktober" on the Sacred Pie Instagram Page!

10/2 Another new page- vertical challenges, vast vistas, and a suprise new power possessed by one of our protagonists!

9/18 Another new week, another new page!

9/11 One more brand new page!

9/4 One more new page and a whole slew of new (and exciting) characters!

8/21 This is the last update of my summer vacation. Fair warning: the beginning of the academic school year is always a bit hectic, but don't panic if there's a brief lapse. I'll be back on course once things settle into a routine. Enjoy!

8/14 Another brand-new page- Enjoy!

8/7 Oh, snap! A brand-new page!

7/30 What, what, what!? A brand new page AND it's a day earlier than usual! Enjoy!

7/24 Another new page, complete with scads of architectural goodness!

7/18 Another new page! Stunning backgrounds, exciting exposition! Enjoy!

7/10 One more new page!

7/3 Another new update!

6/27 Finally- summer vacation (and a breif respite from my full-time teaching gig) is here and the updates are starting to roll in again! Enjoy this new one!

6/12 Another brand new page! Take a minute to enjoy that HUGE establishing shot at the bottom there; there's a lot in there!

6/5 Ok, so not a real update, but it's been a busy end-of-school season at the Sacred Pie Camp. There's a new skecth on the Sketches Page and a sneak-preview of next weeks page HERE !

5/15 Recognize that ship? Bob and Roonas return next week...in the meantime, enjoy this brand new page!

5/8 Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Enjoy this brand new page!

4/24 One more new page!

4/10 Oh, snap! One new page!

3/27 Phew! It's been a busy couple of weeks, but here's the newest update. Enjoy!

3/13 One more new update- lots of action/ zero dialogue!

3/11/2022 What, what, what!? SacredPie.Com went live 22 years ago! Happy Sacred Pie Day!

2/27 Another Sunday, another update! Enjoy!

2/20 An excited chase ensues in today's new update!

2/13 Another new page! (Don't worry, we'll get back to Roonas and Bob eventually, lol)

2/6 Another brand-spanking new page!

1/23 Another new update!

1/17 A little delay there while my school rode the Covid rollercoaster for a couple weeks. All is well now and a new update has arrived!

1/2/2022 New year, new update!

12/26 Happy Holidays, whichever ones work best for you! Enjoy this festive new page!

12/19 One brand new page featuring a very exciting new antagonist! Check out the Origin of the Tri-Horn Demon !

Thanks to Sacred Pie super-fan, Riley, for his character design!

12/12 Another exciting new page!

12/5 One more new page!

11/28 Back on schedule with a brand new page! Enjoy!

11/22 What? Another week with no fully developed page/update!?


Good news, though, you can check out sketches of a whole slew of new characters HERE , or on the Sacred Pie Instagram Page !

Don't worry, there will be a new page this Sunday!

11/14 Instead of a "traditional" update this week, I've spent my time writing the first 18 pages of the newest chapter, "Trainees"!

Don't worry, though, you can still take a sneak peek at the first page by clicking


You can also check out the storyboards for the next 18 pages (warning: light spoilers) on the Sacred Pie Instagram Page !

11/7 One last page to round out Chapter 30: Access Denied. Look for some sneak peeks into the next chapter next Sunday as I frantically write it before getting back into traditional updates again.

11/6 In case you didn't know, Sacred Pie's 13th print volume

is available on Amazon along with all the Previous Volumes . Y'know, if you're into print books.

Either way, every page is still available for free right here at SacredPie.com!

10/31 Celebrate Halloween with a (not) spooky new page! (It's not spooky at all).

10/24 Another brand new page!

10/17 One more new page!

10/10 Another brand-new page!

10/3 One more new page! If you're itching for more art before next Sunday's regular update, I'm participating in 2021's "Inktober" event! Daily drawings all through the month of October on the SACREDPIE INSTAGRAM page!

9/26 So, instead of a traditional page update, I spent some time drawing and inking the last six pages of this chapter! Check them out at my INSTAGRAM page! (Warning: Light spoilers abound!)

9/19 Oh, snap! One more new page!

9/12 I'm on a roll! One more new page!

9/5 One more new page and a PILE of newly colored (but previously posted) sketches HERE !

8/29 Another new page! Less than ten pages until the end of this chapter...look for news about the next in-print volume coming soon thereafter!

8/22 One more brand new page!

8/15 Another brand-spanking-new update!

8/8 One more new page!

8/1 New week, new page!

7/25 One more new page!

7/18 Another brand new page!

7/12 As promised, some visual changes around the website should be live now. Check out, in particular, the Archives and the new synopsis available in both the Archives as well as the main page. I've also updated the link to the Sacredc Pie print books (we changed publishers to keep the prices low for you, the customer!)

Let me know what you think!

7/11 One more new page AND look for some quality of life improvements around the site in the next couple of weeks!

7/4 Another brand new page!

6/27 One brand new page! Look out for updates coming in fast and furiously. The school year is over; summer vacation is here and I'm on a roll!

6/20 Another new page and a happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there!

5/29 Another brand new page!

5/15 One more new page!

5/9 Ka-Pow! Another new page!

5/2 One more new page!

4/25 The pages are coming fast and furious in 2021...one more new page!

4/18 Another brand new page!

3/27 One more new page!

3/21 Another brand new page! (And so many trees!)

3/11/2021 Wow! Today marks the 21 year anniversary of Sacred Pie(.com) going live for the first time. 1,522 pages later and it's still going strong! I've got years and years of story left, so plan on at least another 21 years of fresh Sacred Pie. Thanks for all the support!

4/3 One more new page AND I've fixed and uploaded all of the spelling errors from last week's page. Thanks to everyone who reached out to catch those mistakes!

3/7 One more new page! I'm on a roll!

2/27 One more brand new page!

2/20 Another new page AND a newly colored sketch in the Book Three Sketch Page !

1/24 One more new page! Don't forget to check Instagram @SacredPie to see new artwork for the impending Sacred Pie card game, as well as sneak-peeks to upcoming pages!

1/9 Another new page! Enjoy responsibly!

1/1/2021 Happy New Year! A brand new year and a brand new page!

10/19 One brand new page! I'd also like to give a shout-out to Sacred Pie fan BRECHIN (and his brothers Riley and Jackson) who have recently started getting into Sacred Pie! Keep reading, boys!

9/27 School is back in session, but that can't stop the flow! One brand new page, as well as a newly colored sketch HERE colored by my son (and lifelong Sacred Pie fan), Emmett!

8/22 Another brand new page! Want more Sacred Pie, but can't wait for (almost) bi-weekly pages? Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! We've been developing a Sacred Pie Card Game and all the artwork for the game will be "sneak-previewed" on IG as I finish it!

8/12 One more new page!

7/28 Another new page! Don't forget to check my Instagram @SacredPie to see new developmets with an impending Sacred Pie card game!

7/16 One more new page!

7/5 Another new page and wait- what's that? Three previously uncolored sketches for this chapter are now colored. Check them out HERE!

6/28 One more brand new page!

5/9 Pandemic viruses, madatory face-masking, and killer hornets won't stop this Brand New Page!

4/21 One more new page! Don't forget to wear your masks!

4/13 Another new page! Wash your hands!

3/29 Another new page! Stay safe out there, everyone!

3/24 What a crazy couple of weeks! I hope everyone dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic out there are staying safe, and staying at home. While you're there, check out the first page of the newest chapter, "Access Denied"!

Look for updates coming fast and furious while the practice of social distancing is in place; I've got a lot of time on my hands!

3/11/2020 TWENTY YEARS(!) ago on March 11th, 2000, www.sacredpie.com went live with the first chapter, "Prologue", posted in its entirety. Since then, fairly regular updates have spanned over thousands of pages to bring sci-fi comic goodness to the masses for free! Over the last 5 years (or so), the pages of Sacred Pie have also been collected in print volumes- 12 of them, in fact! The last of which was released in print just last week (check the Sacred Pie Bookstore! for details!)

Thanks to all the fans and contributors who have supported Sacred Pie over the years. We look forward to the next 20 and beyond!

2/15 One more new page to close out this chapter. Look for new pages AND a new print volume coming in the end of February and beginning of March!

1/26 Another new page!

12/1 Bask in the glory of one brand new page!

11/10 Okay, so not a REAL update, but we did get some cool fan art from Sacred Pie's biggest fan contributor Angry Hatter Here, Here, and Here.

Also, check out the new sketches Here for the upcoming Chapter 30, "Access Denied"!

10/12 One new page this week! Enjoy!

9/8 One more page! (Hopefully, I can keep up this pace now that the school year has started back up!)

9/4 Another brand new page featuring design work by one of my (former) students, Tymia Winter ! (Click the link to see her original artwork that was tranformed and used for the latest page!

8/17 What!? Another brand new page!

8/14 Another brand-new page!

8/1 Watch out...SACRED PIE:VOLUME 10 and VOLUME 11 are both in print at our Sacred Pie Bookstore!

7/23 Another new page, but just as exciting is the addition of SACRED PIE:VOLUME 9 in print at our Sacred Pie Bookstore!

6/30 One more page! Let the Summer-Update-Season begin!

3/1 Another new page!

2/14 Enjoy one more new page with someone you love (or alone, or whatever)!

1/21/2019 One more new page!

11/18 What..! Another update only a week later? Enjoy!

11/11 Good gravy!! Finally! A new update (and another on its way!)

April-June 2018: Updates Galore!!

--> The website got a facelift! Bear with me while I finish all the loose ends.

--> Sacred Pie is coming to Comic-Con! Phil Shaw (creator and illustrator of Sacred Pie) is one of the featured artists at the Electric City Comic-Con in Schenectady, NY on July 14th!

--> Sacred Pie has two more print volumes out! Check the "Sacred Pie in Print" link below. Special thanks to Charles Jonsson (aka Angry Hatter) for coloring the entirety of chapter 17: Tournament (which can be found in Volume Four!)

--> Sacred Pie has a Board Game. Follow the "Sacred Pie: Board Game" link below to check out this strategic Stratego-esque tabletop game!

3/25 One brand new page!

2/25 Another new updated page, plus a newly colored page of the "Tournament" chapter by Angry Hatter starting HERE !

1/28 One more new page and three, count 'em THREE, new colored pages by Angry Hatter starting HERE !

1/21 A newly updated page to the main story and two new colored pages by Angry Hatter starting HERE !

1/5/2018 Finally a new page! Happy New Year!

12/31 Holy Happy New Year! Three new colored pages by Angry Hatter starting HERE !

12/28 Two newly colored pages from the Tournament chapter by Angry Hatter starting HERE

12/10 What!? Another update! Not a new-new page, but a newly colored page from Angry Hatter HERE

12/8 Another new page!

11/8 One more new page! Now that I've settled into the new school year, they should start rolling again a bit more regularly.

8/19 One new page and an update to Chapter 12: War, the fully-animated chapter. I've converted all of the Flash video files and run it through Youtube for a more streamlined experience. Check it out HERE ! Ifyou prefer the "classic" edition, it's still accessible in the ARCHIVES for Book One. Leave a like or comment on the Youtube link and let us know what you think!

8/9 One more new page! "It's Showtime!"

7/20 Another new page! Don't forget to follow along on the pages' progress (and other art swag) on our Instagram Page

6/11 One new page (at long last!)

4/22 A brand new page!

3/24 Another new page!

2/6/2017 Yeesh...already slow in 2017, but with a big update, at least! One new page and TWO colored pages from Angry Hatter in the Tournament Chapter (starting HERE )!

12/27 A brand new page! Happy Christmas and a Merry new Year! You can add to your holiday cheer by picking up Sacred Pie: Volume 3 in PRINT!(from Amazon, linked here, or many pother fine book retailers and vendors)

12/4 *Phew* It took awhile, but here's a new page. Look for news about the newest volume of Sacred Pie in print sometime next week with- dare we speak it- another update? Tune in and find out!

10/4 Good Gravy! Finally, a new page!

8/15 A brand new page! Check out Bob on INSTAGRAM to find out what took this update so long!s

7/18 One new page AND some new links. Follow and/or "Like" us on FACEBOOK or on INSTAGRAM !

7/3 One new page!

6/12 Back on track! One new page AND two newly colored pages of the Tournament chapter starting HERE by Charles Jonsson!

5/29 Hmmm....let's pretend that wasn't a month just then. But, hey, a brand new page!

4/25 Oy! One more page!

4/10 One more page!

3/27 Happy Easter! Hop into a brand new page!

3/20 Brand new page!

3/7 Yikes! Sorry about the wait- here's a new page AND colored page of the Tournament chapter starting HERE by Charles Jonsson!

2/20 What!? Another early update! Huzzah!

2/14 Happy Valentines Day! We love you s much, you get a new page and colored page of the Tournament chapter starting HERE by Charles Jonsson!!

2/7 A brand new page and yet another colored page of the Tournament chapter starting HERE by Charles Jonsson (aka Angry Hatter)!

1/31 A brand new page AND six newly colored pages of the Tournament chapter starting HERE by our excellent colorist and long-time collaborator, Charles Jonsson (aka Angry Hatter)!

1/15/16 Is this weeks page one day early or five days late? Doesn't matter....here's a new page!

1/3/2016! Happy New Year- Here's a brand new page!

12/27 One more new page!

12/20 Please disregard the posting dates! Look at all the new swag! A brand new page, 10 new colored Tournament pages (starting HERE) by the infamous Charles Jonsson, aka Angry Hatter, and this piece of BRILLIANCE (also by Angry Hatter)!

12/6 So... no update this week due to a slew of professional and personal commitments. Not to worry, though, next week we'll be back on schedule!

11/29 Circus intrigue! How exciting!

11/23 This weeks page was inspired by my cats.

11/16 One more page!

11/8 Another new page!

11/2 A brand new page!

10/26 Another page!

10/20 Another new page! Sorry for the delay!

10/11 One more brand new page!

10/4 What? Updating on a Sunday!? Amazing! Enjoy the page!

9/28 One new page!

9/21 Pfft...another Monday update. Once I get back into a school-year-groove, we'll be a bit more punctual!

9/13 Another brand, spanking new page!

9/7 One more new page!

8/30 Another page!

8/24 A brand new page!

8/18 So, you may have noticed that there wasn't an update on Sunday. Yeah. I've been swamped trying to finish the (almost complete) Sacred Pie BOARD GAME!! See the sweet box cover art HERE!and a sneak peek at the character cards/playing pieces HERE!

Don't worry- this week's update is right on track!

8/9 A brand new page and a brand new job for the boys!

8/2 One more page!

7/26 Another brilliant page!

7/20 New page!

7/11 (11pm) Okay, so I finished early and I didn't want to wait until morning to post. Early birds rejoice! Your worm is here!

7/5 Another brand, new page!

6/29 As promised, a brand new page! Look for tons of new crap over the next few weeks (school's out tomorrow and I'm on summer break!)

6/28 The new page is (mostly) done! It's my last week of school before the summer, so it's been busy. I'll post it tomorrow, but in the meantime, check this out:

Sacred Pie fans Nick and Joe (readers from back in 2004- check the FAN ART) mentioned the comic in their youtube show, "Instant Live Replay". On this episode, they discussed books that should be made intop movies or tv shows. Sacred Pie gets an excellent throw-back shout-out around minute 8:00. Check out the rest of their channel HERE!

6/21 Another new page! Happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there!

6/14 One brand new page!

6/8 So.....look for this week's update this coming Sunday (the 14th). In the meantime, start drooling about the upcoming Sacred Pie Board Game! Click HERE for a sneak-peek!

6/2 Oops! Busy couple of days from work- kind of forgot to finish the update. Next week's (this week?) will be on Sunday.

5/24 A brand new page!

5/17 "Crap!" indeed.....a new page!

5/10 One page to close out the chapter! Look for the first page of "Chapter 29: Passage" next week!

5/3 Another brand spanking new page!

4/27 One more new page!

4/20 One new page to light up your day!

4/12 Another new page!

4/5 A new page to enjoy while eating rainbow colored eggs!

3/29 One new page!

3/22 Another new page!

3/15 One more new page!

3/11 Holy Crap! Sacred Pie is 15 years old today!! Check out these two new colored pages (Starting HERE) by Angry Hatter! Help us celebrate by sending us an e-mail or signing the guestbook to let us know you're still hanging in! Stay tuned- we've got another 100 years or so to go!

3/9 A brand new page and...what!? EIGHT (yes, 8) newly colored pages of the Tournament back-chapter by the lovely and talented Angry hatter! Starting... HERE !

RIP Leonard Nimoy.

3/1 A brand new page!

2/24 Zowie! A bit late this week due to elongated vacation fun! A new page, though! Huzzah!

2/15 Another new page!

2/9 A new page and a new piece of Fan Art from a six-year old prodigy! (He's got good genes!) Submit your art to sacredpie@hotmail.com and you can be (mildly) famous, too!

2/1 Bah! Dialogue is for suckers....one new, albiet silent, page!

1/26 Giant space station? Shady dealings? Must be a new page!

1/18 Another brand new page!

1/11 A new page!

1/4/2015 A new page and some new sketches on the Book 1: Volume 1 and Book 1: Volume 2 in print on Amazon now. (What...!?)

11/30 Holy Hat! Tons of new crap this week!

- A new page!

- Three new Tournament pages in glorious color from Angry Hatter!

- Two new sketches on the Book 3 sketch page !

11/23 Another new page!

11/16 One page!

11/9 A new page and two more colored Tournament pages from Angry Hatter (check his mooky mug on our Sacred Pie HQ page below!)

11/2 A brand new page! (And two more freshly colored pages for the Tournament chapter!)

10/28 Whoops! I didn't have time to update on Sunday and then yesterday, I straight-up forgot (it's been busy). Don't worry, next week's page will be more timely (and loaded with new friends!)

10/19 One more new page, chock-full of choking and threats!

10/13 So, along with this week's update, you can also enjoy the first 43 pages of Chapter 17: Tournament in full, glorious color! Compliments of the Swedish Sensation....artist Charles Jonsson (known around these parts as "Angry Hatter")! Be sure to head over the Sacred Pie Message Board and let him know what you think!

10/3 What!? Two days early? Massive changes to the layout of the site!? (Well, not massive, but significant at least).

Curious about the changes in the archives (Chapter 27 going to Book 2, as well as the overhaul of the previous Flash content)? Head on over to the Sacred Pie Message Board and see whats what!

9/29 A new page!

9/21 One new page!

9/14 Another new page, but more exciting is that now you can read Sacred Pie IN PRINT! Well, the first 190 pages anyway (up to the end of Chapter 4: Space Pirates).

Oh, and by the way, anybody who wants to get themselves a copy should use the coupon code "GETIT15", which gives you another 15% off. (Thanks, Angry Hatter!)

Look for the rest of Sacred Pie to be catalogued in print over the next few months. Don't worry- Sacred Pie will always (also) be online and free to read!

9/7 A new page, and two new SKETCHES for Book 3 featuring soon-to-be looks for Bob and Roonas and a new character on the horizon. Enjoy!

8/31 Sorry about the week off kids, but it's been a doozy. We've got one new page, a new piece of Fan Art from Sacred Pie part-time colorist, Angry Hatter, and (part of the reason for last weeks non-update) an upcoming Sacred Pie print-book. Here's the cover! Details to follow soon!

8/17 A brandy-new page!

8/10 Weiners...ha! A new page.

8/3 Another new page!

7/27 One new page!

7/21 Oh, snap! We have a New Message Board ! Start posting, mooks!

7/20 Another new page and some fan art from Sacred Pie pseudo-intern, Angry hatter! (Check the "Fan Art" link below... submit your own art for eternal fame!)

7/14 One new page. One day late.

7/6 One new page!

6/30 As promised...a new page!

6/29 Due to scanner issues, the page will be posted tomorrow. Until then, enjoy this string of images for contests at PencilJack.com :


A scene from "Empire"




Dr. Strange

World Cup!

Ninja Turtles on Hoth


6/22 Another new page!

6/15 Happy Father's Day! Here's a brand new page!

6/9 Pfffft.....it's Sunday somewhere, right?

6/1 Another new page!

5/25 A brand new page!

5/18 A new page and a pile of dead Angels! Hooray!

5/11 Happy Mother's Day! One new page!

5/4 Happy Star Wars day! Another brand new page!

4/27 A brand new page! Look for some general site maintenence/clean-up over the next few weeks (maybe even some new features, or the return of some old ones!)

4/20/2014 So, yeah. We're back. Two new pages this week, and a new one weekly after that.

Happy Easter!

1/1/2013 HOLY $%^#-ING %@# !!!! AN UPDATE!???

Yeah, those might be happening again.

10/21 Blah blah- excuses- blah, blah- computer issues- blah, blah- one new page.

9/2 Okay, so, I hate to make excuses....but, I've been through two scanners, two versions of Photoshop (and an update) and four computers (3 laptops and a desktop), as well as two versions of Windows (XP, and 7) over the last three weeks just to get one of the two- going on three- finished pages I have scanned and colored.

It's been a long stretch, but I've finally caught up with 21st century technology. Expect a page in the next day or two.... sorry for the hold up.

8/12 One more new page- and it's on time!

8/7 Yeah, yeah.... Here's the newest update. that other crap will be along shortly.

7/30 Vacation sickness....forgot what day it was. One new page (though, look for a mid-week update in a day or three!)

7/22 Another new page!

7/15 Worst three months of my life. I'm not one to spill my personal life online, so here's an update instead (sorry for the wait.....but, we're back on track now!)

4/1 No- it's not a practical joke....Sacred Pie is back with a vengence!!

Bam! New storyline update!

Pow! New Penance page!

Sha-Blooka! FIVE newly colored pages of one of the most epic Sacred Pie storylines, "Tournament"! A super-awesome shout-out goes to Charles Jonsson (aka "Angry Hatter") for not only coloring "Tournament", but for his truly stellar work bringing "Penance" to life with his mad skills! (to access the newly colored pages, just choose the "technicolor" link on the first page of the chapter!)

3/5 Yeah, yeah.... super late update. Sorry, kids, but your old friend Bob has had another career shift (the 3rd this year) and I'm now an elementary school Principal. Obviously, I've been adjusting to a new (and terribly paper-work intensive schedule), but I'm catching up quickly and hope to be updating more regularly within the next few weeks.

Hang in there, Pie Heads! (or don't....sheesh! It's not like I get paid to do this. Ha!)

2/13 Another new page (totally worth the wait, I'm sure!)

1/29 Yeah, Yeah...a week late. Blame it on a pink-eye infection, followed by Strep. (Or me, I guess. You can always blame it on me.)

Or Roonas.

1/15 Another new page!

1/8/12 One more page!

1/1/2012 Happy New Year's! In case the world ends, here's a new page to fulfill your last wish here on Earth!

12/26 Ho, Ho, Ho! One new page!

12/19 One more new page!

12/11 Blah, blah,computer died, blah blah, excuses, excuses....another new page.

11/27 Another brand new page!

The Last 500 Readers

11/20 One new page! (To the contest winners from a few weeks ago- be on the lookout for your prizes soon!)

The Last 500 Readers

11/13 Phew! Here's the page....sorry about last week. I hade some sort of super-flu and didn't recover until, like, Wednesday! Yikes!

The Last 500 Readers

10/30 One new page!

The Last 500 Readers

10/23 Oh, snap! A brand new page!

The Last 500 Readers

10/16 Another brand new page!

The Last 500 Readers

10/9 One more page! Congrats to the 12 Pieheads who actually sent a response.... All twelve of them are getting a sketch, regardless of their submission time! Next time, I hope all the lazy fans get off their duff and show some love. You show me love, and I show you love. (PS- as of NOW the contest is over.)

The Last 500 Readers

10/2 Another new page, full of funny references! .... Okay, there's only one. But, whoever e-mails the name of the loosely referenced stand-up comedian from this week's page first will win an honest-to-goodness hand-drawn piece of original art- of your favorite Sacred Pie character (you'll have it mailed to you and everything). Good luck! I expect to see some e-mails within hours of this update.

The Last 500 Readers

9/25 One more new page!

The Last 500 Readers

9/18 Another brand new page!

The Last 500 Readers

9/11 One more new page!

The Last 500 Readers

9/4 Another new page!

The Last 500 Readers

8/29 After a stressful (and wet) couple of days, here is the newest page.... the first of Book 3! Don't forget to check out the new and improved "archives" page.(Seriously- really check it out.)

The Last 500 Readers

8/29 Whoa! That rotten Hurricane Irene has been playing havoc with my electricity (and ability to leave town). We're back on the grid now, so expect to see the update later on today! (Barring any other trees collapsing)

8/21 And so ends Book 2. Get ready for some niceness, kids- next week starts Book 3 and a whole new direction for the storyline. It all begins with the first chapter of Book 3: "Rai Explains Everything". See you then!

The Last 500

8/14 One more brand-spankin' new page!

The Last 500

8/7 One more new page!

The Last 500

7/31 Another brand new page!

The Last 500

7/24 One new page!

The Last 500

7/17 Another new page! And....

The Last 500

7/10 A new page? Of course!

And, a brand new feature in which we post a map of the last 500 readers to visit Sacred Pie! Maybe you're one of them:


7/3 One more page!

6/26 Oh, snap! One new page!

6/19 One more page!

6/12 One new page! (And a happy birthday to the lovely Karin on Monday!)

6/5 Another brand new page!

5/29 One more page!

5/22 A moment of silence, please, for our dear friend The Admiral.

5/15 Beware the Ides of May... It is foretold that a new page will come unto ye!

It hath been fulfilled!

5/8 Despite the awesomeness of Portal 2, I have updated with one new page!

5/1 Another new page!

4/24 Oh, snap! The Easter Bunny drooped a whole pile of 'Pie in your basket!

4/17 Page! New! Read it!

4/10 One new page; one less supporting character!

4/3 Another new page!

3/27 One more new page!

3/20 Another brand new page!

3/13 A New Page!

3/11/2011 Happy sacred Pie Day! Sacred Pie's been a ".com" for 11 years today!

3/6 Ooops! I updated the page, but not the Hooey!

2/27 Despite a recent (and debilitating) addiction to "Angry Birds", we bring to you a brand new page!

2/20 One more page!

2/13 Another brand new page!

2/6 One more page!

1/30 One....One new page! Ah! Ah! Ah! (*thunder*)

1/23 Another new page!

1/16 Another brand, spanking new page!

1/9 One new page!

1/2/2011 Happy new Year (and a day)! One new page!

12/26 Celebrate Kwanzaa with a brand new page!

12/19 One new page!

12/12 One more spank-tacular page!

12/5 Another new page!

11/28 One more new page!

11/21 One new page, as well as a fond birthday wish to SP's youngest fan, the (now) two-year-old Emmett.

11/14 Another brand, spanking new page!

11/7 One new page!

10/31 No tricks today, but we can treat you to a new page. (Even better than a mini-Snickers bar!)

10/24 One more new page!

10/17 Another new page!

10/10 One more new page! Don't worry, German friends- Sacred Pie reader Stephan corrected my poor German from last week; it's been updated and is now grammatically correct.

Also- check our MESSAGE BOARD for a Sacred Pie "Re-Read Event". All the (cool) Pie-Heads are going to re-read Book One over the next two weeks and post their thoughts and crit's (and discoveries of spelling errors, I'm sure). Check it out!

10/3 Zu Ehren des Oktoberfests präsentiere ich Ihnen eine neue Seite!

9/26 Despite my nearly-constant personal struggle against the Zerg and Protoss, I present to you.... a brand new page.

9/19 Another brand new page!

9/12 One more new page! We had our first reader e-mail from Sri Lanka this week! That's the only one we've seen from Southeast Asia so far (I'm looking at you, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand!)

9/5 Holy hat! Another new page!

8/29 One new page!

8/22 Yeah, I posted another page... what of it? Heh!?

That's what I thought.

8/15 One more page!

8/8 Another brand, spankin' new page!

8/1 One new page!

7/23 Early Friday update(!?)- one new page. Booyah.

7/18 Another new page! Looks like this chapter is the longest yet; and it'll be even longier before it's done! (maybe upwards of 150-160 pages!!)

Once it is done, though, we're on to Book 3, the final (and most entertaining/diverse/awesome) of the three. Uber-Fans are already speculating at the SP Message Board (link below). Sign up and see if you have anything to add!

7/11 A new page!

7/5 12 hours late, eh? Oh well- it's still a new page.

6/27 Another new page!

6/20 In celebration of all the dads out there (myself included), here's a brand new page!

6/13 Another new page, and a happy birthday to my sweet wife! Hooray!

6/6 One new page!

5/30 Zam! One new page!

5/23 Another new page!

5/16 One more new page and a new Penance page!

5/9 Another new page! AND a new Penance update!

5/2 Wow! What an outpouring of support this week! Thanks for all the guestbook posts and e-mails!

In return, I offer one new page.

4/25 Another new page!

Hey, Pie-Heads....show some love!

Take a minute to sign our guestbook or drop us an e-mail to let us know how we're doing. We know you're out there.....

4/18 One more new page!

4/11 A new page, and a new Penance Page! Enjoy!

4/4 Happy Easter! I found a new page in with your eggs!

3/28 Another page!

3/21 One new page!

3/14 As promised- one new page! (Also take a moment to check out the new, slicker arrow and intra-site links on each page...even all the old ones!) We've also fixed (read: found) the SP Message Board! The link below has been updated.

3/11/2010 Holy Hat! Sacred Pie (.com) started this very day, TEN years ago. Since then, the comic has accumulated 1297 pages (and that's not counting the hundred- or so- pages of side stories, alien indexes, "Ask Roonas" editions, and a whole mess of other brick-a-brack.)

I'd like to take the time to thank all of the readers and supporters of Sacred Pie..... but I can't. I've got to get back to work on page 1298. It'll be up on Sunday- as usual.

3/7 Another new page!

2/28 One more page!

2/21 One new page. (And it's my birthday, but I didn't get any cards.....jerks.)

2/14 Valentines Schmalentines, blow off your date and read today's new page instead.

2/7 Another new page (and it's done early enough to watch that..what is it...Super Bowl or something?)

1/31 Pages = One.

1/24 One new page!

1/17 Another new page!

1/10 One new page! If you look *very* carefully, you'll see a very subtle change in and around the site. (Check your browser's favorites and you'll see it. Yeah, we know the 'Pie is on your favorites.)

1/3/2010 New year. New page.

12/27 Four days on the road and there's still a new page. Boom.

12/20 Another new page!

12/13 One more new page, and some exciting news!

Do you have an idea for a short story; perhaps even a one-shot comic story that occurs in the Sacred Pie Universe? We are now (officially) accepting fan fiction of any sort (short stories, comic strips, and- as always- fan art). If you've got an idea for a story you'd like to write (or have written one already), e-mail it to us at sacredpie@hotmail.com and if it doesn't conflict terribly with events in the comic, we'll publish it on the site!

So, get to work!

12/6 A new page AND a new page in the side story "Penance". I've had the colored page from Charles (Angryhatter)Jonsson for, like, three weeks now but I kept forgetting to post it. (I blame Assassin's Creed II).

11/29 One more new page!

11/22 Another new page (just barely....)

Happy first birthday to my little boy, Emmett.

11/15 One new page!

11/8 One new page!

11/1 Sometimes comic book pages are a little less cool than other pages. Luckily, that never happens here.... One new page!

10/25 Yeah, I posted another page. What are you going to do about it? Huh?

10/18 Another new page! How consistent!

10/11 One more page.

10/4 Another page!

9/27 Holy Hat! One more page!

9/20 One more new page! Hey kids- start an account and log on to our Sacred Pie Message board (see link below).... the Roonas has re-appeared in all of his glory! Also, you'll want to be on the lookout for some upcoming contests and games!

9/13 One new page and a special congrats to my sister Sara and her new Hubby John on their nuptuals yesterday!

9/6 Another new page!

On a somber note, though, we lost a good friend (of sorts) this week. WotMania.com finally passed into the etheral plane of websites gone past. A lot of Sacred Pie readers found their way here from that site and we appreciate all of the love and support we've recieved over the years from the WotManiac community (not to mention the nearly a dozen cameos from their ranks.) So, thanks WotMania and Wotmaniacs, please feel free to make a home here (and at our Message Board). We hope you'll enjoy the things to come in Sacred Pie, but as you've heard before...you must "read and find out".

8/30 One page!

8/23 Another new page!

8/16 One new page!

8/9 One more new page!

8/2 Another brand new page!

7/24/09 Holy Moley! Another 2-day-early update. Don't get used to it...it's only 'cause I'll be camping all weekend.

7/19/09 One new page!

7/10/09 Holy Crap! The update's two days early! (I'm off to visit some relatives, and I won't be back until Monday....better too early than too late!)

7/5/09 Another new page!

6/28/09 One more new page!

6/21/09 One new page!(And I've started adding the year to the Hooey scroller! Duh!)

6/14 Another new page!

6/7 Eewww...bug insides all over today's new page.

5/31 One new page!

5/24 One more new page!

5/17 Yowza! Another new page!

5/10 Another new page!

5/3 One more new page!

4/26 Another new page and TWO updated pages for the Penance side story! (I actually sat on those for a week, but couldn't finish them up 'cause the kid was super-sick.) They're up now, though, and with no updating missed! Bam!

4/19 Another new page!

4/12 One more new page!

4/7 Our hopes and dreams have come to fruition! (in part...) We finaly have ourselves a brand new, functioning, non-pop-up-inflicted Message Board again! Thanks to Mike at Top Web Comics for setting it up and giving us a home (in a community already established for online comics!)

4/5 One new page and another installment for the side story "Penance"! Ka-Bam!

4/3 Friday is "mid-week", right? Three fan art pieces from Angry Hatter (aka Charles Jonsson) AND the next page of the (once slow moving, but faster now) Penance side story (colored, of course, by Angry Hatter himself!)

Regular update on Sunday, as usual.

3/29 One new page! Look for new pages in the sidestory, Penance later this week (with some other potential "mid week" site updates!)

3/22 One new page and another update to the Fan Art page! Three new(ish) pieces from Loston Wallace, Jeremy Dale, and Amy Letts. Plus, I've added links to contributors websites.

If you've contributed Fan Art to Sacred Pie and I didn't link your site, drop us an e-mail and I'll tack it on (I tried to find/research/dig up as many as I could....but some always seem to slip through the cracks!)

3/15 One more new page!

3/11 Holy Crap! Sacred Pie is 9 years old! I've re-vamped the FAN ART page (check the link below, too!) and gotten us a non-pop-up-plagued-message-board.... HERE. Enjoy! And, thanks for 9 years of faithful fan-ship!

3/8 Another new page!

3/1 One more new page! Also, check out the nice mention of Sacred Pie in Neil Holden's web comic blog (check it out HERE). Look for a brand-spankin' new Fan Art page in the next week or two (as well as THREE recently recieved drawings!)

2/22 Another new page!

2/15 One more new page! Zam!

2/8 Another page!

2/1 Look for some updates and re-vamps here and there throughout the site this (and probably next) month.

1/25 One more page!

1/18 Another new page!

1/11 One new page!

1/4/2009 Happy new year and a happy new page! (Okay, so it's not a "happy" page...but, it's a page!)

12/28 One new page!

12/21 One more brand spankin' new page!

12/14 Another new page!

12/7 One new page!

11/30 Another new page!

11/23 One new page, and a new baby boy! Emmett Robert Shaw (seen HERE reviewing this week's inked page) was born at 2:41pm on Wednesday November 19th. Don't worry Pie-Heads, the updates will still keep coming every Sunday!

11/16 One more new page!

11/9 Another new page!

11/2 One new page!(Despite the lure and awesomeness that is Fallout3)

10/26 Yet another new page!

10/19 Another new page!

10/12 One new page!

10/5 Another new page!

9/28 Another brain-stabbingly action-packed page!

9/21 One new page!

9/14 Another new page!

9/7 One brand, spanking, new page

8/31 One new page!

8/24 Another new page!

8/17 One new page for you to enjoy! Also, a big thanks to The Whiteboard (a spiffy online comic about paintballing) for a recent slew of new readers (and guestbook signings and e-mails). Thanks for the link!

8/10 Another new page!

8/3 One more page!

7/27 One more page!

7/20 Another new page and "big ups" to the young, up-and-coming comic book artists from my class at the College of St. Rose. Good luck to all of you, and don't forget- I get %15 of any movie deals, video games, or publishing contracts.

7/13 One new page!

7/6 Another new page!

6/29 It's a two-fer! Two new pages full of explosiony goodness.

6/22 One new page! (Look for a two-banger next week!)

6/15 Another new page!

6/8 Another new page is up! Also, (at long last) we've fixed our Message Board woes. It's kind of new and shiny (and empty), so check out our new MESSAGE BOARD!

6/1 A new page, and a new chapter!

5/25 The final page of "Allies and Enemies" is up. Next week begins the LAST chapter of Book 2, "Final Battle".

5/18 One more page (next week will be the end of this chapter!)

5/11 Another new page!

5/4 One new page!

4/27 Another new page!

4/20 One new page!

4/13 Zam! Another new page!

4/6 Another new page!

3/30 One new page!

3/24 Holy Monday! A brand new Penance page! (I actually had it last week, but I forgot....so. Yeah.)

3/23 Wow! The Easter Bunny left us a brand new page!

3/16 One new page, lots of space ships!

3/9 Zam! Another new page!

3/2 Another new page!

2/24 One new page!

2/17 One new page!

2/10 Another shiny new page!

2/3 One new page!

1/27 One new page!

1/18 One new page- and two days early! (I'm out of town for the weekend, whattayagunnado?)

1/13 One new page!

1/6 One new page for the new year! (Well, for this week, anyways...another stunning update next week!)

12/30 One new page!

12/22 A day early- with one new page! Happy Holidays to all the Pie-heads!

12/16 One new page!

12/9 One new page!

12/2 One new page!

11/25 One new page, a new page for Penance, and some "lost-but-now-found" links lower down on the Hooey page. Look for other site cleansing and stream-lining in the next month or two!

11/18 Again, a new page. (I'll get out of the one-page-a-week rut eventually. Enjoy all of the new, beautiful colors in the meanwhile!)

11/11 One new page!

11/4 One new page! Zam!

10/28 One new page!

10/21 (The Count)One, one new page! Ah! Ah! Ah!(/The Count)

10/14 One new page!

10/8 Okay, okay...so there's not an "update"-update. But I DID get interviewed by Xadrian (aka Ben) at the 100 Artists Project (a charity original-art project that I've drawn some work for). Check it out HERE!

10/7 One new page! Look for an extra Columbus-Day-Off(!) update tomorrow!

9/30 Holy Moley! All sorts of changes around the site! Along with this week's one new page(!), we're sporting a newer, more stream-lined main page. Look for a revamp of the entire site (most especially the actual comic pages) in the next few weeks as well!

9/23 One new page, as well as a new page of Penance! (That "big" something-something will have to wait for next week) We DO, however, hope everyone is enjoying Sacred Pie's new full-color look! E-mail, sign the guestbook, or drop in at the Message Board to let us know!

9/16 One new page!(Watch out for a *possible* mid-week update and a BIG something-something for next week!)

9/9 One new page!

9/2 Two new pages!

8/26 One new page!

8/19 Two new pages!

8/12 Only one new page, but it's a doozy!

8/5 Zam! One new page!

7/29 Two new pages!

7/22 One new page!

7/15 Another new page!

7/8 One new page!

7/1 One new page and another Penance update! Woo!

6/24 One new page (at the end of the last week of teaching! Summer Vacation=more pages!)

6/17 One new page!

6/11 Holy Monday! Two new Penance pages!

6/10 Two new pages!

6/3 Two new pages!

5/28 Okay,okay...so, make that THREE new Penance pages (still not too shabby). Also- I've set up a Temporary Message Board for the next week or three while Domint moves to some new digs.

5/26 A day early with two new pages and four colored pictures by Angry Hatter in the fan art section! The Penance pages- all FIVE of them- will go up on Memorial Day!

5/20 Two new pages, but look for a whole mess of (the side story) Penance pages later this week!

5/13 Two new pages! Woo!

5/6 Two new pages!

4/29 One new page!

4/22 One new page to finish out "Escape". The new chapter, "Allies and Enemies" (the second to last chapter of Book 2) begins next week!

4/15 Two new pages!

4/8 Two new pages and a double-update for the side story Penance!

4/1 Two new pages and another page for the Penance side story!

3/25 Two new pages!

3/18 Two new pages and a new page in the side story Penance!

3/11 One new page, three new sketches in the Book 3 sketches, and 3 Fan Art pieces from Angry Hatter. On top of that- it's Sacred Pie's 7 year Birthday today! Go us!

3/4 Two new pages and some exciting changes in the Side Story, Penance. Expect this story to move along a LOT faster now that Angry Hatter is guest-coloring all of the pages! Check out the two re-vamped Paenance pages and look for more updates soon!

2/25 One new page!

2/23 As promised, a mid-week update with three new Fan Art pieces and one new page! Woo!

2/18 One new page!(I'm on vacation this week, so look for some mid-week fun as well!)

2/11 Best update ever. (And it's only two pages!)

2/4 Two new pages of carnage and explosions! Enjoy!

1/28 Two new pages!

1/21 Zam! Two new pages!

1/14 Two new pages!

1/7 One new page.

12/31 Two new pages!

12/23 Two new pages! (And a day early!)

12/17 One new page!

12/10 Slicey-slice! Two new pages!

12/3 Two new pages!

11/25 Two new pages!

11/22 Bonus mid-week page! Zam!

11/19 One piddly page.

11/12 One page.

11/5 Two new pages!

10/29 One new page.

10/22 One new page, and one page for the side story, Penance. MMM- it's in color!

10/15 Two new pages and a spiffy how-to on How Sacred Pie is Made. Enjoy!

10/8 Two new pages!

10/01 Bang! Two new pages, and two new pieces of Fan Art from Angry Hatter and Lurker (also available for viewing at our Message Board!

9/24 Uno mas.

9/17 One new page.

9/10 Two new pages. (All of this build-up will be coming to a head starting in another week or two.... then, it'll be a free for all all the way up 'till the start of Book 3.)

9/3 One new page (which looks deceptively small when compared to the big-big, cool-cool Labor Day bonus update you'll be getting smacked with tommorrow.)

8/27 Two new pages (the last of which is sporting a panel in full color!)

8/24 After some Message Board difficultries of late, we've got a new (albeit temporary) Message Board for new and interesting Pie Head discussions. Check it HERE. A very special thanks to Ray(Rai) for making it happen.

8/20 One page!

8/13 One piddly page, but 6 nifty Book 3 sketches HERE!

8/12 Saturday is the "middle" of the week, right? Anywho- there are TEN new sketches for Book Two HERE. So, yeah- enjoy!

8/6 Two new pages (look for a humongous sketch-update during the middle of the week!)

7/30 Aha! Two new pages.

7/23 Two new pages!

7/22 Bam! As promised, an early bonus update- check the Side Stories for the first installment of the new side story "Panance".

7/16 Two pages! (Look for a nifty mid-week update around Wed. or Thurs, too!)

7/9 Two new pages!

7/6 Sorry, kids. Back to the old Main-page goodness. Look for a more efficiently planned site re-hash sometime over the summer.

7/4 Zang! It looks like TWO new pages and a brand-spanking new (sort of) "Main Page". Tell us what you think at the Message board, or by e-mail!

7/2 You: What!? Only one page!?

....Us: Yes. But, be on the lookout for another page on Monday, and another page on Tuesday (along with some spiffy extras around the site!) So, yeah.

6/25 Whoosh! Two new pages!

6/18 Two new pages! This week is my (Bob's) last week of teaching for the year, and as you longer-term fans know, summertime means TONS of changes on or about Sacred Pie (including a new Side Story, some website overhauling, and some more convienient linking between sections). Any suggestions? comments? Offers of money? E-mail them to us at sacredpie@hotmail.com !

6/11 Three new pages- enjoy!

6/4 Two new pages! (Whoa, deja vu!)

5/28 Two new pages!

5/21 Two new pages, and happy birthday to my sister, Sara! (Also featured as a bounty hunter in "On the Run"!)

5/14 Two new pages! Happy Mom's day to all the Moms out there!

5/7 Two new pages to kick off "Escape!" (it hasn't even started yet, and it's already my favorite chapter!)

4/30 Three new pages to close out "Scramble". Look for Chapter 24: Escape! to start next week! Woo!

4/23 Three new pages; check the nifty architecture!

4/16 Happy Easter! Enjoy the two new pages, and dine on the most delicious of bunnies.

4/9 1+1= 2 new pages.

4/2 Two new pages!

3/26 Two new pages! Which marginally interesting secondary character will die next week?

3/19 Two new pages and four dead characters. Ah.

3/11 Holy Crap! Sacred Pie is 6 years old today! Two new pages (and a day early!)

3/5 Two pages.

3/1 Holy mid-week update! One new page (with a tremendously explody colored panel!) WOO!

2/26 FOUR new pages.

2/19 Two new pages; jetpack-action battle references abound!

2/12 Two new pages, suckas.

2/5 Three new pages (the last of which contains a panel in full color!)

1/29 Two new pages and some Fan Art from WildBlue!

1/22 Two new pages. Delicious.

1/15 Zam! Three new pages.

1/9 Hot dog! Hypermart (our host) has fixed whatever needed to be fixed (AND within a day!). Your two new pages, and a piece of Fan Art by Yaphet are all now online. Enjoy!

1/8 Whoa- sorry kids...we're having some server issues (which are all completely out of our hands). New pages will be up once these problems are solved (hopefully TWC and Road Runner get them resolved in the next day or two). For more info, check HERE

1/2 As promised- one new page, as well as a colored panel HERE and a fully colored page HERE!

1/1/2006 Happy New Year, feast upon today's two new pages. (And relish in the thought of an extra page and some goodies tomorrow afternoon) as well as THIS newly colored panel!

12/27 Bam! Two new bonus pages. Lok for the next installment (as always) on Sunday.

12/22 Ho Ho Ho! Two new pages (early!Thurs!?) Plus two colored panels by the Roonas! (Here and Here.)

12/18 Two new pages. Look for a half-on, half-off update for next weekend (as its Christmas, I'll be putting up a page or two beforehand (Thurs. or Fri.) then a couple more pages afterwards (Mon. or Tues.), then pages on a regular Sunday schedule after that (though the two-update weekend may churn out more pages than it would've initially!)

12/11 Two new pages. (things are going to start getting "Scrambley" next week!)

12/4 Three new pages (and some little fix-its here and there)....(mostly the last page of Chapter 12:WAR- special thanks again to our pals at wotmania.com!)

11/26 Zam! Two new pages- AND a day early!

11/20 Two new pages!? Hints at possible jet-pack-fun in the future!? Rock!

11/13 Holy Crap! There are sketches in BOOK 3!

11/12 Zam! Three new pages AND it's a day early! Eat it up!

11/6 Sorry, kids- only one new page this week (lots of "real life" to deal with this week). But, we also received some fan art of Roonas- and a potential offspring- from Corinthia! Whoo!

10/30 Two new pages, a "new" piece of colored/fan art from AngryHatter, and three sketches in Book 2! Look for some super-top-secret Book Three stuff around next week (or so).

10/23 Holy Moley! To account for last weeks *lousy* two-page update, we bring you FIVE new pages! (As well as three nifty tech. sketches HERE.)

10/16 Two new pages to start out Chapter 23: Scramble. Also- check out an oficially colored panel HERE. Also check out some colored pages by Angry Hatter in the Fan Art section (below)!

PS- There is a 45% chance of a two-page mid-week update Mon. or Tues.

10/9 Four new pages full of danger and intrigue!

10/2 Three new pages to end Chapter 22: Discourse. Enjoy!

9/25 Biggity-Bam! Four new pages!

9/18 Blah, blah, blah...three pages of non-visual stimulation, but VERY heavy conversation (hence the chapter title, Discourse). Don't worry, something will blow up next week.

9/11 Phew!- Three new pages! And a colored panel by ROONAS here.

9/4 Three new pages, eh?

8/28 Four new pages- BAF!

8/21 Only two pages today (they were added to the storyboards, like, yesterday- so I did 'em in a hurry).

8/17 As promised (albeit a day late), a mid-week TWO PAGE update! Updates will continue as expected on Sunday- enjoy!

8/10 Aha! Due to a short trip to San Fransisco this weekend, this weeks update is coming in two parts- TWO pages and a colored sketch today (Wed.), then TWO MORE pages(maybe three) on Tuesday. Normal Sunday updates will continue afterwards. Zam!

8/7 Holy Moley! Three new pages! 'Splosions! Joy!

7/31 Two new pages. With luck, I'll recieve my new Photoshop disc this week and won't have to color at Roonas' house (which has accounted for the low number of pages lately).

7/24 Two new pages. (45% chance of a bonus mid-week update, as well!)

7/17 What- only one new page!? Sorry, kids, but I had to replace my old computer, and the new one's still not up to scratch. (it'll be fine by next week).

7/10 Three new pages and a new alien in the index!

7/3 Three new pages, chock full of intrigue, shopping, and dazzling rain effects!

6/26 Three new pages! Sha-pow!

6/19 Happy Pappy Day to all those dads out there. Three new pages. Yee-haw.

6/12 Three new pages and a colored THIS. Eat 'em up.

6/5 Three new pages, and a new sketch HERE!

5/29 Three new pages and a colored sketch HERE! Moo!

5/22 Three new pages to start out Chapter 22: Discourse, and the conclusion (two pages!) to 30,000 Credits! (Also note the "Go Directly to newest Pages" link on THIS page (should save you guys a *little* unnecessary clicking). Enjoy!!

5/15 Two new pages end off Chapter 21: Gangs, and page 3 of 30,000 Credits! Look for Chapter 22: Discourse to stomp on in next week, with (hopefully) the end of 30,000 Credits!

5/8 Two new pages, plus one more page of 30,000 Credits!

5/1 Two new pages! Enjoy!

4/24 P-ZAM! Three new pages, one colored sketch (for Book 2), and SIX previously un-colored panels have been colored! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX!

4/17 Zang! Just at the break of midnight- ONE glorious page! (look for oodles of stuff this week, as I am on vacation)

4/10 My computer has finally crapped completely out, thus- there is only one page today (which had to be re-colored and uploaded from Roonas's house). Look for a HUGE update once my computer is back out of the shop.

4/3 Zip! Two pages, two new Fan Art pieces, and THIS little ditty. Enjoy!

3/27 Happy Easter! Three pages (as well as a fourth sometime mid-week)! Rock!

3/20 *phew* Three spanktastic pages this week- a little later in the afternoon than usual, but I drove a cardboard sled (that my elementary school students built for me) down a MOUNTAIN . The kids built the sled to look like a Jaguar (our school's mascot). Unfortunately, I only placed 68th- due to a spectacular crash and a full frontal flip over the top of the sled. (Rock on!)

3/13 Two new pages (it would be more, but we've been doing some spring cleaning- notice the lack of spelling and grammatical errors in the Prologue, Chapters 1+most of 2). Look for some smack to be thrown down in next weeks pages!

3/ 11/ 05 ---Sacred Pie turned 5 YEARS OLD today!

3/6 Two new pages, one new Alien Race , and a brand-spanking-new Side Story ! Enjoy!

2/27 Three new pages, two new colored sketches, and a new peice of Fan Art! Zam!

2/20 Only two pages this week, BUT I've started a new side story (Based onTHIS). Here's a preveiw: BANG!. Look for some other random goodness this week as I am on vacation.

2/13 Mmmm. Three new pages. (Including the neatest flipped-over vehicle I've ever done!)

2/6 Ka-Pow! As promised; a much more worthwhile update- Four new pages, and Four new sketches HERE! Enjoy!

1/30 Sorry, kids- it's been one of those days. Only two pages, but there's also two nifty new sketches HERE. (Look for a bonzer of an update next week! Shoop!)

1/23 ZAM! Five new pages and three pieces of Fan Art from Jen!!

1/16 Three new pages! Zam!

1/9 Hot Dog! Three new pages, and a piece of Fan Art from Karin!

1/ 2/ 05!! Happy New Year, kids- here's three new pages and two colored sketches HERE and HERE . Enjoy!

12/26 Ho Ho Ho! Three new pages and a new piece of Fan Art from Jermisel!

12/19 The One-Armed Man did it, officer! Bang- three new pages! Pow- TWO pieces of fan art from Angry Hatter! Zap- A new colored sketch in Book 2's sketches! Enjoy.

12/12 Two pages to conclude this chapter, "Plans". Chapter 21: GANGS starts next week... and it'll be woogy! ( I also colored THIS !)

12/8 Okay, so it took 3 days instead of one and a half.....it IS worth it!


Look for this handy tool to show up on ALL of the pages concerning Tundar for easy reference to places in town. Zow!

12/5 Three new pages! Look for another neat little add-on later today (or tomorrow if I've COMPLETELY forgotten how to use Flash).

11/28 Three new pages! And- for those of you in the BOSTON area... I guess we're going to be at the Boston Comic Book Spectacular(!) next Sunday (Dec. 5th) at the Boston Radisson Hotel. We *may* be prepared to entertain.

11/21 I can't even talk about how awesome this week's update is. Two pages, and the conclusion of The Hunt. Yum.

11/14 Pa-pow! TWO new "regular" pages, and TWO pages in The Hunt!

11/7 Holy Moley! THREE new pages!

10/31 BOO! (three new pages to send shivers up your spine today!)

10/25 Fwoomp! 2 pages of The Hunt!

10/24 Two pages today...and two pages of The Hunt on slate for tommorrow!

10/17 WHAAM! Three new pages and a buttload of site-wide refurbishing! Let us know how you like it! Enjoy!

10/10 Three new pages! (And a three-day weekend; be on the lookout for something on Monday!)

10/6 What!? A mid-week update? You're darn tootin' it is- two new pages of the Hunt are up for your reading pleasure (though, technically, they were up yesterday). Enjoy!

10/4 (6:41 pm EST) Here's the update! Enjoy!

10/4 Whoops! Sorry, kids- instead of updating yesterday, I uh...fell asleep. (I've been *really* tired and a little bit sick.) Nonetheless- the pages will be up when I get home form work (about 7pm EST). We may even have those two Hunt pages expected last week (again...my fault; I should've double-checked Roon's work schedule before I said he'd get them colored.) Oh, well.

9/26 FOUR pages today! Look for TWO pages of "The Hunt" in a day or two!!

9/19 Two pages of exciting, riveting....card playing? Enjoy!

9/14 Holy Tuesday- it's a new page of The Hunt! Eat it up, kids!

9/12 Ah! School has begun- which means "only" two new pages for today (but look for an update to The HUNT in the near future!)

9/6 I HAVE labored today- 1 new page in the comic, 1 in the side story "The Hunt", a revamping of the Fan Art section (below on the Hooey page), and 2 new Ask Roonases(eses). Enjoy!


"Why is it almost 11PM and you've only put up two pages!?"

"Because my monitor exploded today- I'll be putting up a third page, another page of The Hunt, a buttload of Ask Roonas, some Fan Art and a refurbishing-ish jaunt about the site. How's that?"

"Oh. Okay- cool."

8/29 Okay- here's the scoop. We've got FOUR new pages, plus the advent of our SIDE STORIES section- and the first two pages of our first side story, "The Hunt"!! Whoo!

8/22 Wah-Pow! SIX new pages for your reading pleasure!

8/16 (barely...) So, it ended up 12 hours instead of 7- it was well worth it in my humble opinion. Criminy, those Grundarians are devious! (and let's not leave out our good buddy Var- the Order of Light Var, not the Tundar one...) Anyways, ENJOY!

8/15 What!? Only one page...?

Yes! But, here's the good news- this week's update was meant to be a two-page-er, but I didn't like how it flowed, so I'm making it three. Which, as you may have guessed, means I need to draw the third page today! So- let this ONE page sink in, and in about 6-7 hours, I'll throw TWO MORE pages atcha (along with some other goodies, if all goes well!) *gets back to work*

8/8 The first five pages of the new chapter "Plans" is up and ready for your reading pleasure!

8/1 Five pages to conclude "By the Light of the Moon"! Look for another update this afternoon/evening- we're doing some heavy duty site maintenence today!

7/25 Three pages and 30 deaths!

7/18 Three pages and two deaths! What's in store for next week? Who knows...??? (Well, we do- but it's a secret!)

7/11 Zang! SIX new pages and a couple of new sketches in the Secret Section (as well as a little house-cleaning...hope you don't miss any of the ones I've taken out!)

7/4 Pfft- it seems as if I had more of a vaction than I was expecting. So, instead of the aformentioned 8 pages...I bring you FIVE! Five new pages for all to enjoy!

6/27 What!? Only TWO new pages this week? Yeah, well....at least you're getting your moneys worth (har har). But, seriously- it was the last week of teaching, so I didn't have a lot of drawing time. On the other hand, that means that I am now on VACATION (which, as we all know, means tons and tons and tons of updates for the next few months.) In fact, look for a monstrously ginormous update next week (I'm shooting for 8 pages....perhaps even some extra stuff, too!)

6/20 Five new pages- in honor of all the fathers out there, today! Live it up, Dads!

6/13 Three new pages and an updated link on the Main Page to our BRAND SPANKIN' NEW MESSAGE BOARD! (Yeah, I realize we've been through, like, 4 in the past 2 years, but now it's OURS...we have complete autonomy- it's quite spiffy. Check it out! Join up! Chat with other Sacred Pie readers, as well as Bob and Roonas!)

6/6 A Haiku:

I hope you enjoy

thoroughly, this weeks pages.

There are three of them.

5/30 Holy Toledo! SIX new pages, FOUR Ask Roonas submissions, and changes to the Alien Index and Links! Zoop!

5/23 Three new pages, the highlight of which is Var's nifty flame-design shirt! (

5/16 Five new pages, and MAN am I sleepy. Enjoy!

5/9 Yeah, yeah....so I didn't spend any time at the computer this week (nixing the potential mid-week extras update), but I DID spend enough time drawing to bring you FIVE new pages! Zaps, traps, and slaps! Happy Mom's Day to all the maternal pie-heads out there!

5/2 April showers bring May flowers, what does May bring? 3 new pages! (Look for an "extras" update in the middle of the week including some Ask Roonas action!)

4/25 Five new pages! Excitement! Danger! Whoo!

4/18 Four new pages! Let us know what you think of the new look at either our Message Board, Guestbook, or e-mail (sacredpie@hotmail.com)!

4/12 Holy Monday! It's a BONUS UPDATE!! One new page and three (ok..not so exciting) sketches! Zoop!

4/11 Zang! Four new pages! Eat a bunny! Find some eggs!

4/4 Look out, kids- it's a brand new Sacred Pie! I'm trying to get the hang of this gray-scale thing because ALL pages will be in glorious black, white, and gray from now on! (Thanks to Mase from Urban Shogun who suggested this style and gave me a few pointers on how to do it!) Along with the new look on this weeks five pages, check out the new Ask Roonas, two new pieces of Fan Art, and 7 sketches in the SuperSecret Sketches area! Let us know what you think about the new look at either our Guestbook, Message Board, or E-Mail (all readily available HERE.)

3/28 Shazaam!! A whopping 29 pages this week- Chapter 18:Roonas/Rooni in its entirety AND in full color! Start bracing yourself for a brand-new style starting next week!

3/21 Five new pages conclude chapter 17:Tournament. Look for a HUGE full-color update next week!! Zoop!

3/14 Six pages! Giant monkey! Millions of Ghouls! Whoo-ha!

3/7 Whoo! Four new pages, a buttload of sketches in the Spoilers , fan art from Oscar (aka Rax), and old pages re-vitalized with color HERE , and HERE . Enjoy!

2/29 Four new pages! Look for a buttload of sketches and other assorted extras with next week's update!

2/22 Holy Crap on a Cracker! 12 new pages!! Zoop!

2/15 Five new pages! I'm on vacation this week, kids- so look forward to a whole buttload of Sacred Pie goodness by the end of the week!

2/8 Three new pages, a piece of fan art from Clayton (our newly dubbed offiial Sacred Pie Intern- look for some surprises from him in the coming months!), and a 6-day-late Groundhog's day pictureHERE!

2/1 Sunday Sunday Sunday! Read these four new pages.

1/25 Zang! Six new pages, a cameo photo from Martyn, a new cameo this week (Rax!), two new Ask Roonas's, two new colored-by-Roonas pictures, and twqo sketches in the supersecret and Whoops pages. And- a cameo contest over at our Message board! Enjoy!

1/18 Holy Crap- what a weekend! Roonas and I went to Genericon yesterday and had a blast. We met some interesting people, along with some other comic artists. Forthwith- we've got a whole mess of assorted stuff for todays update! Five new pages, 10 sketches (a couple of them colored), two new colorings by Roonas, a cameo sketch from Kipp, a new peice of fan art from Jenny (our #1 fan art contributor!), and a full color panel of This Page! Eat it up!

1/11 Zowie! 4 new pages, Koren's cameo sketch, and 27 new sketches in the spoilers section and the "oops" page! Enjoy!

1/4 Happy New year! Here's four pages and 17 (scattered) Sacred Sketches! Eat 'em up!

12/28 Blaugh. All I got for Christmas was the flu, apparently. Despite my 100+ temperature throughout the holiday week/weekend- here's four pages and an update to the cameo section (Bahonyo and Annie both got around to drawing their cameo sketches!) Enjoy! And Happy Holidays!

12/21 Well, kids, I had a little extra time to draw this week- so you get SIX new pages (plus a few new sketches and three new faces in the Cameo section)! Enjoy!

12/14 Great Gravy! Four new pages, three new Ask Roonas submissions (I've re-worked how they look to make them a bit easier to read- I'll fix the old ones over the next week or so), six pieces of Fan Art (from some of my students), two new sketches (in the Top Secret Sketches page), and a tutorial on How to Draw Bob!! Eat it up!!

12/7 4 new pages, over 30 images in the Sacred Sketches region, and 4 surprises for people with "slow connections".

11/30 Zang! 3 new pages, 34 sketches (scattered around the Sacred Sketches page), a new wallpaper in the Freebies, and 3 new alien races! Dance the dance of joy!

11/23 All right, Buszta- I fixed the link buttons. Oh, yeah, let's not forget the 3 new pages and the updates in the Sacred Pie Univierse (among other new little thingies here and there....)

11/16 Hey hey- do you like the new look? Let us know by posting at the message board, or through the guestbook (e-mail is OK, too) Enjoy the 4 new pages, and the dozens of new thingies all over the site!

11/9 Holy Update City, Batman! Four pages and a buttload of new sketches HERE and HERE . Enjoy! PS- look for another update on Tuesday! (I've got Veteran's Day off and I plan to use it wisely!)

11/2 Four new pages, and some fan art from Clayton! Happy Birthday, Annie!

10/26 Three pages! A new chapter! Whoo!

10/19 (3 hours later) Check out some more sketches HERE and some "top secret" ones HERE (on the "usually-only-accessible-by-winning-the-trivia-contest" page). Enjoy!

10/19 Four new pages and a piece of fan art from Yaphet!

10/12 I've been scanning all day to bring you 4 new pages, and 26 sketches (on the Sacred Sketches Page!) Hooptie-Hoo!

10/5 Holy Crap! 4 New Pages, 10 new Activity Pages, 1 Piece of Fan Art, and a brand new feature that allows you to see specific Sacred Pie panels in full C O L O R ! ( Here and here)


9/28 In commeroration of my computer being in working condition for the first time in 3 months, I give you......EIGHT NEW PAGES! Zang!

9/21 Whooppee!! 2 new pages, and 2 Ask Roonas updates!

9/19 Zang! After a month of server issues (and misplaced updating), Sacred Pie is back on track. If you haven't checked in lately, you'll be pleased to find the 15 pages I've done and posted since the initial crash! Enjoy!

8/23 Geocities...yeah. I know. Unfortunately, we're having some issues with the hosting service. On a good note, though- it WAS 5 new pages (and it was a day early!!)

8/17 Here's your update- three pages, a piece of fan art, a new Say What, and a movie review!

8/10 Zang! It's a big week, kids! Three new pages (which, of course, is nothing new) and I colored the entire ALIEN INDEX! (except for the Angels, which I want to re-draw, then color)! Go check it out!

8/3 Three new pages, two cameos, one piece of fan art (well, more of a tribute), and a brand spanking new slogan! Take that!

7/27 Yipee! A new chapter- three pages! Rock!

7/20 Ok- so it's only three pages this week. Suck it up; they're awesome! (oh, yeah- we went and saw The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last week- check out the review here: HERE!

7/13 Despite the efforts of my crappy computer, I've brought to you five new pages, two updates in the Cameo section, and a new slogan from super-fan Jenny! Look for a new Movie Review later this week!

7/6 Hot dog! It's the 4th of July weekend and I've had the whole week off- that means LOADS of goodies! Five new pages, two ne pieces of Fan Art, 2 new Ask Roonas, some new art in the Cameo section, and our new feature- Roonas and Bob hit the movies (HERE!). Enjoy!!

6/29 Three pages! Look for some "exciting" updates tomorrow! While you're at it, check ou THIS REVIEW . We didn't even know it happened until today! Whoopee!

6/22 Zang! I've been up to my ears in real-life crap this week, so sorry if I haven't answered your e-mail yet. (Feel free to read these 5 new pages while I get around to it)

6/15 Happy Pappy Day (to any fathers out there)! Enjoy these 4 pages!

6/9 (though, it FEELS like sunday still, since it's 12:16 AM) Anywho- four new pages. Look for some Ask Roonas additions tomorrow.

6/1 Four pages. Zang!

5/25 Four brand-spanking-new pages, as well as an interview by Tim from CoolCollecting.com. ( HERE)

Look for another *small* update of sorts tommorrow!

5/18 Three new pages and a whopping SIX new Ask Roonas replies! Whoopity doo!

5/11 Zang! It's a banner week, kids! Three new pages, some Cameo updates, new Fan Art, the most recent Say What contest, and the most bizarre Ask Roonas yet! Enjoy!!

5/4 Four pages, some stuff in the cameos, and two new Ask Roonas answers. As for the "slogan" for this week- we lost a friend to the comic recently. Kory brought a lot of attention to Sacred Pie through This Interview, as well as being a prominant poster at our message boards. He was a fiercely intellegent guy, and he will be sorely missed. Those of you who may have known Kory in some way can pay tribute at WotMania.

4/27 3 new pages, some stuff in the cameo section, and a new piece of fan art!

4/20 Eat a bunny!

4/13 Three new pages, eh? Excellent....*twiddles fingers*

4/7 I give you seven pages. Enjoy.

3/29 Yeah, yeah....so the update is only 2 pages. And they kind of suck. If you're really miffed- see how I'm going to fix it all HERE.

3/23 Zam! 3 new pages! I was going to do some extras and other updates, but I am pooped- I went Curling for the first time this weekend at my brother's (aka Bahonyo) place. BTW- Curling is the coolest sport ever. It's shuffle board, bowling, and ice hockey all rolled into one!

3/16 Great Scott! Four new pages, two new pieces of Fan Art and an update to our Useless Trivia!

3/9 Four pages and a new piece of Fan Art! Whoopee!

3/2 Three new pages (of a brand new chapter!), one new fan art picture, and four cameo spottings! Now that's an update!

2/23 Wah-POW! 6 stunning pages brings Chapter 13 to a thrilling close! Also, one new piece of Fan Art, some Ask Roonas action, and a new feature! Sacred Sketches! Check 'em out!

2/16 Three pages of sacred Pie magic! But that's not even the best part of today- Sacred Pie has been reviewed by www.thesmallpress.com !! Check it out HERE! In other exciting news, I've got the whole week off- so look for tons of new features going up around the site (as well as a whopping 7 pages to be posted next Sunday!)

2/11 Or tuesday....

2/9 A whopping 5 pages today!! Look for some extra goodies tommorrow (like the new Say What?, a dazzling piece of fan art, and some other random updates and addendums.)

2/2 Happy Groundhogs Day! 3 new pages should stave off these 6 long weeks of winter. (well, until next week anyways)

1/26 Two new pages! That's about it. (On a personal note- I've got a horrific double-dose of a sinus infection AND an ear infection).

1/24 Hoo-haw! I got this weeks pages done a bit early, so I've been working on some more extras for the site. Like THIS ONE !! Check it out, let me know what you think!

1/19 Hot diggity dog!! I've switched things around (maybe permanently) so that the last page will bring you here...to HOOEY! I figured this is the best launch pad to all of the cool Sacred Pie goodies scattered throughout the site. Anyways- enjoy! Hope you liked the two new pages!

1/12 Three new pages and one piece of fan art- not too shabby!

1/5 Happy New Year! It's been a busy week! Two new pages, a new piece of fan art, three new photos in the Cameo section, a Say What winner and new contest posting, and (most exciting) a limited time item in our Sacred Store- the 12 MONTH CALENDAR! 13 full color pictures (12 months and 1 cover)- it's easily the coolest item in the store, so pick one up HERE (if nothing else, just check out all of the cool new pictures) *phew* That's all folks!

12/29 Ho ho ho! I realize it's only one page this week, but the whole gang ran off to spend time with our families for the holidays! Hope yours was swell!

12/23 Ugh. Sorry, kids- Roonas and I had a pre-holiday celebration while I was supposed to be updating. So, your 4 pages are here Monday morning instead of Sunday night. Now I must drink water...and advil.

12/15 Frippity Froo! Three new pages...(and the plot thickens!)

12/8 Shibby! A four-standard-page-update! It's nice to be away from a computer and back to a drawing board (not to mention an easier to keep weekly update)!

12/2 Great Criminy Caca! It's time for some Good News/Bad News- Good News: The final animated page is done (a whopping 6 minute, 23 second long masterpiece). Bad News: It's 2.59 Mb file size prohibits me from posting it at Sacred Pie.com, so I am presently experimenting with some alternatives ranging from other site hosting, to creative compression of the file. Check in for updates later tonight or tommorrow evening. Sorry about the wait, kids- hopefully you'll feel that it's worth it (I sure do!)

11/11 Pachooey! I love me some three day weekends! (good thing, too- otherwise this page would've been *really* late). Look for the "Exciting" conclusion to Chapter 12 right around Thanksgiving (the page is SUPER long, so it'll take a couple extra days to finish).

11/3 Mwah-ha-ha! (not counting today's update- only two more animated pages to go...which means somebody is going to die soon!)

10/27 Sorry, kids- the page is kinda short this time. (The good news is, I've already started on the new one!)

10/19 Oh, well. It's done now. I wish I could've had it up on Mon., but alas, I could not. So, here's this week's page- there may or may not be another before next weekend (no promises..but I DO want to get to the following chapters- and back to regular drawing)

10/14 I'm late! Kind of. Page 12 is up, and #13 will be up this evening! Also- we've got a new Sacred Slogan, as well as a new Say What!? submission opportunity!! Get to work, kids!

10/7 Whoop! Here it is! A bonus page for all to enjoy!!

10/5 Yabba-dabba-do! The new page is up! Be on the lookout for a *bonus* page tommorrow (page #11 is 3/4 done already!)

9/28 Yee-haw! The new page is up! Even better, we've got a new Slogan!! Scroll down on this Page of Hooey to find out how YOU can write Sacred Pie's new Sacred Slogan!! (or just go here: Sacred Slogans!)

9/21 Ker-Blam! This week's page has exploded unto the internet (you'll get it when you read the page). I'm desperately trying to find gaps in my schedule that will allow me to create two pages a week instead of just one. (I've had *little* success).

9/16 Ah-choo! Despite a weekend infected by what I can only describe as the Black Plague- the new page is up and kickin'! Check it out!!

9/7 Ka-Blam! Finally, some big fat action has reached the WAR chapter....and it's only going to get naughtier.

NOTE: New pages/updates (at least for the WAR chapter) will be arriving on the weekends (instead of our usual Thurs.). This is because Bob is now an Elementary School Art Teacher, and he needs the extra time on the weekends to finish out the sounds/animation/etc. So- we will still update weekly; it'll just be on Sat.-Sun. instead of Thurs-Fri.

9/1 Criminy! Two days late, but with good reason. The new page (and the 4 preceding it) are all equipped with subtitles now, so everyone can enjoy our witty dialogue! Thanks again to those of you who e-mailed us with this oversight- you're the best!

8/22 Hee hee! I *love* the joke on this week's page! Check it out- let us know whatcha think!

8/15 Holy Crap!! We're knee deep in animation here at Sacred Pie! Two new pages in Chapter 12:WAR! Whoo!!

8/2 Glug-glug! Me and my buddy Jim Bean just worked up a better, stonger, and smarter version of the puzzle-lock in the Space Pirate chapter- check it out ( the page prior is: HERE )

8/1 Cripes!! Two new pages and a slammin' piece of fan art from our good friends G-Hop who graces the internet with his online comic- Urban Shogun. Check it out! We've also got a running/working message board with ZERO pop-ups. Look for 'em in the links below!

7/25 Swish! Two new pages, nothin' but net.

7/17 Hey now! Three new pages, and some updates in the cameo page!

7/13 'Just laid the smack down on three more pages! Also- check out the changes in the "Keen Links" section!

7/7 Phoo! Two pages. Sorry they're late, but...er...y'know. Yeah.

6/28 Unga Bunga! Three new cameos, four new characters (on the character page), and one slammin' piece of fan art from Clayton- look for his comic, "The Dark Chronicles" to be online soon!

6/27 Biggity Bam! Four new pages (look for more updates in the fan art, cameos, and character pages tommorrow!)

6/23 *phew* Sorry the pages are late this week, kids...it's been a doozy. I just finished my last week of Grad. school, and I can finally get back on a more consistant drawing schedule. Look for updates soon!


6/18 Whoo! Check out our new slice 'o Fan Art! Eric from www.mrpist.com sent us a super-sweet 3-d Magic-Eye image of one of our favorite lads! Check it out!

6/14 Bam! -Kicked it up a notch with two new pages!

6/9 (7:52 p.m.) A more reasonable time of day, and more importantly....a Bonus Page!! Hatcha!

6/9 (4:26 a.m.) All right, so the pages are a bit late. Even though it's "technically" Sunday...we'd like to think of it as "late Saturday." So, anyways- three new pages. Biggity bam!

6/7 Hey, kids. It's time for another edition of "Good news, Bad news."- Bad News: The pages are running late this week; they won't be up until tommorrow(Sat.)... Good News: It will be THREE pages instead of the originally planned two.

6/2 Yes! Two new pieces of fan art! One from PencilJack's Inkdrop, and the other from JohnBoy at Bastard-Seed Studios! Thanks guys!!

5/29 Rock on! Three new pages, two new wallpapers, a new ending page/picture, and a title/picture for the Hooey page! Be sure to vote for us at Topwebcomics.com!

5/26 Ah! The news-scroller is up and kicking! Let's hear it for technology, kids! Keep checking this section- this is where we keep you updated on new pages, pictures, features, etc.! Whoo!

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